Saturday, February 2, 2008


Today was President Gordon B. Hinckley's funeral. President Hinckley was president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, of which I am a member. He was the prophet, and dearly loved. I shall always remember his sense of humor. How witty he was!

Near the end of his life, he was prescribed a cane by his doctor. It seems that he waved it around in greeting more than using it to walk. He just kind of carried it along.

President Hinckley was a man of great faith who truly embodied the very essence of hard work. He kept such a busy schedule even down to the very end. He cared greatly for all people everywhere. He established a perpetual education fund, enabling many who would otherwise not be able to pay for an education to be able to attend institutes of higher learning. He built temples all over the world to ensure that the Saints could attend the temple and obtain sacred ordinances. In the temple we can be married and sealed to our loved ones for not just time, but for all eternity. We believe that families are sacred, and that the bonds of love can last for eternity.

My grandmother grew up with President Hinckley. They lived close together, they were in the same ward. Gram's dad was the bishop, and President Hinckley's was the stake president. She also lived by President Hinckley's wife's home, Marjorie Pay. She said that the neighborhood would gather by her house to play night games, and that 'Gordy' would occassionally stop by to throw horse shoes. She told me a wonderful story that makes me smile whenever I think of it.

She was invited down to the Hinckley's apartment some few years back for lunch. Marjorie was giving the grand tour. She stopped at a hallway closet room and opened the doors. "Here," she said, "is Gordon's workroom." Gram described it as a small room where there would normally be a washer and dryer. There, lined up just so, were his tools all in order, and a small work table. Marjorie continued, "He likes to look at them every now and again."

He is now with his beloved Marjorie once again. After the funeral there lined the streets people waving white handkercheifs, some canes, as a farewell to him. God, be with you till we meet again, dear President Hinckley.

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